

Get Trained. Get Confident.

CATastrophic Quarantine

Gee what a ride it has been so far. When restrictions hit a few months ago, it saw much of the world closed down, we started working from home if we could, and adjusting to that in itself was a mission. For the most part the veterinary world stayed much the same, so...

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The Power of our Veterinary Community

It has taken me a while to process the SBS Insight program on “Veterinary Care” (1). I guess the thing that really struck me about this panel of veterinarians, and the engaged audience, is that our profession is finally coming out from behind a cloak of whispers where...

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Panic AND Fear; Managing mental health

Puppies and behaviour, goes hand in hand, right? But when a dog/puppy develops behavioural issues that require medical management and training, who better to own that pet than a behavioural Vet? Meet MERV (or ‘Mervous’ as Tracey’s friends call him). To say he’s a...

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Celebrating YOU

Dearest Colleagues, The recent events of the world have certainly impacted on both our professional and personal lives. Some have seen great highs in their clinics with little to no change in clients and revenue, whereas others have been impacted negatively. Increased...

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Challenge the Foundations for Learning

Dr Jane Day is a specialist in diagnostic imaging and has been teaching ultrasound for many years. She loves the challenge of developing new techniques for teaching. Jane also has an amazing capacity to think outside the box so that you can bridge the gap between...

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Karl Storz & An Act of Kindness

I want to share an out of the blue act of kindness with you from our wonderful training partner, Karl Storz. Karl Storz and VetPrac joined forces in February 2020 to host a very successful workshop, Laparoscopy: Principles & Practice. Through a series of...

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Further your surgical skills with Dr Bruce Smith

As vets we all strive to improve the quality of life of our patients. Sometimes in order to achieve this goal, our patients may require surgical procedures which are technically challenging. Surgical procedures involving the patella and stifle are often complex but...

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Surgical Instrument Care for Vet Techs & Nurses

Veterinary technicians and nurses have exceptional educational opportunities with VetPrac. We value your skills, knowledge and enthusiasm as an essential part of the veterinary care team. On May 27 and June 17, veterinary technicians and nurses are invited to join us...

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How can we action sustainable practice?

One of our core VetPrac values is “People First”. VetPrac participants learn by doing and we bridge the gap between learning the theory and performing the clinical skills in a supervised practical setting. Perhaps the most important aspect of “People First” is that...

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Optimising your use of Opioids [video]

This "Learn with Margie" Zoom Rounds instalment about Optimising Your Use of Opioids is at capacity and registrations are closed. Don't worry though! We have many more Zoom Rounds scheduled and you're invited to register for these before they fill.   💡...

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Unlock the secrets of Abdominal Ultrasound

Do you want to improve your skills in abdominal ultrasound but don’t know how to get started? Dr Michelle Lau, a senior registrar in Veterinary Radiology at the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Sydney, has offered some useful tips to those of you who are keen...

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Dr Christine Hawke: Making a difference in animal dentistry

The desire by vets to improve their patients’ health and reduce pain is universal. Have you ever considered how recognising and treating dental disease in our pets can dramatically improve their quality of life? This realisation was the catalyst that sparked Dr...

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The “Two Traceys” – Legends of animal behaviour

At VetPrac we love teamwork, and thrive on it, from planning workshops to facilitating workshop participants to work together in their learning experience! When I met Dr Tracey Henderson and Tracy Irons a few years ago, I was blown away by their working relationship;...

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Join the VIP Waitlist for these upcoming workshops

You're invited to register your interest by joining these VIP waitlists. VetPrac VIPs receive exclusive announcements about the workshop while it is in development and the opportunity for early-bird registration before it's available to everyone. Our continuing...

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Take the Brachycephalic Quiz & test your knowledge

How confident are you performing Brachycephalic and Ear Surgery? The always amazing, Dr Charles Kuntz, has put together 10 multiple choice questions to test your knowledge. If this is an area you'd like to know more about, check out our Fix the Face Workshop on the...

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Anaesthesia and the Geriatric Patient [video]

There's still time to register for our next "Learn with Margie" Zoom Rounds. Join Margie at 7.30pm EST on Wednesday 8th April 2020. We'll kick things off with a brief presentation and then we'll open the floor for a group discussion about the Geriatric Patients. We...

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First ‘Learn with Margie’ Zoom Rounds a great success

Well we are off and zooming with our first “Learn with Margie” Zoom Rounds last night! We had an excellent turnout with a diverse group of veterinarians, technicians and nurses from Australia and New Zealand, with incredible knowledge and experience. There were...

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