Dearest Colleagues,
The recent events of the world have certainly impacted on both our professional and personal lives. Some have seen great highs in their clinics with little to no change in clients and revenue, whereas others have been impacted negatively. Increased stress levels, frustrations and even burn out are still extremely high on the list of concerns for many Aussie vets. And still there is much uncertainty about the future, as we entre winter, as a second way may occur and as there is a shift towards life ‘after.’
As our team has been speaking with and to many Aussie vets around the country, I have to say how proud and appreciative I am for how you have been able to adapt and what you have accomplished during the last few months.
Navigating the delicate balance between treating patients whilst keeping staff safe. Managing the changes in communicating with owners when they are required to wait outside, or they are across the exam table and your expressions are partially hidden behind your mask. Missing your work colleagues and friends as your work a two-team rotation. Now your efficiency has gone down too, with less staff on and the same case load.
Despite all these challenges, you should certainly be thrilled for what you have been able to achieve. For how much support you have given to one another, weather that is between staff members or across the country with other practice owners and vets on Facebook. YOU should be CELEBRATED.
I am sure you‘ve had many clients thank you for your time and support not only for their pets, but for them as well, during this particularly challenging time. I hope this gratitude continues; it makes the day shine a little brighter when it happens. We hope that you continue to take some ‘me’ time, so your cup does not empty. I really hope that you find a few things every day to be grateful for and keep on supporting one another.
Thank you for all your amazing work and dedication to the life and health of Aussie pets. Good on ya!
Warm regards,
Janine Irwin