

Get Trained. Get Confident.

Peer Support Is Helpful But I Need More

Could a Balint Group be the more you are looking for? You, like most of us, will have people in your workplace that you feel comfortable talking with – discussing your challenges and the times that you feel inadequate or have a poor outcome, as well as sharing your...

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VetTips Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Tip 1: There are a lot of dogs who perform or work. Australia and New Zealand have a very large ratio of performing and working dogs enrolled in competitions or "employed" per capita. Some of these sports include; Agility, Obedience, Tracking, Conformation, Rally,...

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Case Study: Fracture Repair by Dr Penny Tisdall

Are you confident in your practice to repair challenging fractures in toy breeds and cats? With the increased popularity of toy breeds, presentations of challenging fractures to veterinarians are becoming more frequent, and the skills specific to these cases are not...

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Peer Support As A (Partial) Antidote To Workplace Stress

We all know using alcohol to settle down at the end of a workday or soldiering on and pretending that everything is okay when actually you are a tangle of emotions and stress, are unhelpful in managing workplace stress. And most of us now also know it can actually...

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How Do You Manage The Tough Days In Practice?

There are some days in practice that are amazing – you see patients making progress, the team works well together, the clients love you and you even get time to have lunch and a bathroom break before you leave on time. You head home to enjoy your time with family,...

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Dr Stanley Kim Turning Fearsome Fiddly Surgery Enjoyable

Does the surgical repair of an antebrachial fracture in a Chihuahua fill you with fear? Dr Stanley Kim, a Sydney graduate who’s been part of the furniture for 12 years at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, can turn that fear into fun and make...

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VetTips: Fine and Fiddly Fracture Repair

We asked Dr Stanley Kim to give us some useful tips on fracture repair for toy breeds and cats.  This is just a taste of the amazing skills you'll learn at the Fine and Fiddly Fracture Repair Workshop. Tip 1: THINK TWICE before recommending external coaptation for...

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Meet Specialist Dr Ann Thompson

Australia is fortunate to have many highly skilled veterinary specialists working in most specialty areas. We recently caught up with Dr Ann Thompson who has successfully combined her advanced skills in veterinary internal medicine with a passion for teaching. Let’s...

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Secrets to Success in Endoscopy.. Meet Dr Julien Dandrieux

Would you like to discover the secrets to success in gastrointestinal endoscopy from a Swiss vet who loves internal medicine for the detective work it involves? Let’s get to know that vet. He’s Dr Julien Dandrieux, who hails from Lausanne, Switzerland and now works at...

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Happy New Year From Ilana Mendels!

Dear Colleagues, I recently returned from a trip to Israel where I joined 600 other women from around the world to discuss over 8 days how our role in society influences the world. The women were remarkable; CFO's, CEO's business owners, cancer survivors,...

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Meet Advanced Clinical Prize Winner Dr Melanie Catanchin

As this article goes to press, the Australasian veterinary profession welcomes many enthusiastic graduates from the class of 2018. Even though their formal university education has been completed, their veterinary education and development of life skills are really...

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Meet Dr Rich Burchell

As a kid, Dr Richard Burchell was often told that “curiosity killed the cat”! He was always possessed of an immense curiosity and was thus attracted to academia where he could be involved in solving problems and challenging existing dogma and playing a small role in...

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VetTips: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Dr Richard Burchell lends us an insight into how to effectively undertake Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in the clinic. Tip 1: Know your equipment Understanding exactly how your equipment works, and what its capabilities are will greatly enhance your endoscopy...

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You’re Just About To Graduate. What Now?

Well, first of all – CONGRATULATIONS! Your hard work and dedication over many years has led you to this point – the culmination of what for many of us, was a childhood dream - to be able to help animals and improve their quality of life. You will have forged deep...

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Dr Ryan Leong Has Seen Both Sides Of The Table

Ryan loves to share his veterinary career on Instagram -let’s fill in the gaps on Ryan’s journey to becoming a surgical specialist, which includes standing on the other side of the VetPrac workshop table for the first time at the VetPrac Practical Skills Bootcamp...

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Making A Difference In The Front-line… Meet Dr Vickie Saye

She loves a challenge, especially when it involves using high tech machinery and dealing with critical care patients! But she also loves explaining things, especially when she can use her artistic skills! Sound unique? Meet the one and only Dr Vickie Saye, Clinical...

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Faced With Demanding, Kooky or Different Clients?

Dear Colleagues, So many of us take calls from clients who become "John's clients" or "Cathy's clients" or "Nicole's clients". These are people who are sometimes demanding or kooky or different... And so many of us get frustrated with our work colleagues for a million...

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