Dr Richard Burchell lends us an insight into how to effectively undertake Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in the clinic.
Tip 1: Know your equipment
Understanding exactly how your equipment works, and what its capabilities are will greatly enhance your endoscopy capabilities. Many novice endoscopists are unfamiliar with the various controls of their equipment and have a limited understanding of what it can do. This is analogous to using a smartphone for text and calls only – it negates the purpose of having the device. Learn to know what all the buttons and channels on your scope are and you will greatly improve the endoscopic experience!
Tip 2: Planning, Planning, Planning!
There is nothing more frustrating than suddenly having to rummage through cupboards or under tables for those biopsy forceps or grasping instruments that you suddenly realize you need during the procedure. It helps to have an endoscopic team, with a vet nurse who is fully conversant with the endoscopic procedures and intuitively knows what you will need. This requires meticulous pre-procedural planning, especially in the beginning when you are learning endoscopy.
Tip 3: Preparation!
Similar to the above, a stomach full of food, or a colon full of faeces makes endoscopy frustrating and unrewarding, and it simply becomes a chore. Make sure that you are greeted by a clutter-free gastrointestinal tract by ensuring that your patients are adequately prepared. It helps to admit these patients 24-48hours before the procedure to achieve adequate planning. You also need to plan for and discuss complications such as oesophageal rupture post foreign body retrieval, and it helps to discuss the possibility of stomach tube placements with the clients. When you are well prepared and plan well it conveys a sense of professionalism to your staff and impresses your clients.
If you’d like to develop your skills in gastrointestinal endoscopy, join us in Gatton, February 21 – 22nd 2019 for a two-day workshop. There are very few opportunities to learn like this. With 9-hours of practice time including a live dog prac, and superb quality equipment you will work with exceptional educators to master your skills and help your patients get better.
The workshop is filling quick! Register TODAY before it’s too late. For more information, head HERE to read the brochure.