

Dr Nicola Martinez

Qualifications: BVSc DACVD


Dr Nicola Martinez graduated from the University of Bristol in the UK in 2007 and threw herself into first opinion practice for the next 10 years. She always had an interest in dermatology and decided to pursue it as a specialisation after growing frustrated at not having the knowledge and dedicated caseload to manage dermatological cases well.

She spent 4 years at the University of Sydney University (2018-2022), first doing an internship, followed by a 3 year residency in dermatology under the supervision of Dr Beth McDonald. She passed her board exams in 2022 making her a certified specialist of the American College of Veterinary Dermatologists.

Nicola starting working at MVSC in January 2023 and loves the fast-paced work, as she gets to see a huge variety of interesting cases. Her special interests include the role of the skin barrier, especially in atopic dermatitis, and understanding how one aspect of skin disease can influence many others.