Qualifications: BVSc(Hons) BVetBiol MVS MVSc GradCert(ClinEd) FANZCVS(Radiology)
Specialisation: Veterinary Radiologist
Dr Annie Rose is a graduate from The University of Queensland. Annie first worked in small animal practice followed by an internship at the University of Melbourne, where her interest in diagnostic imaging began. She then worked in the radiology section at The University of Queensland Small Animal Clinic for nearly 15 years, in both a teaching and clinical capacity. During this time she also enjoyed the opportunity to work overseas at The Ohio State University and The Animal Health Trust. Annie then completed a Masters degree and residency program at the University of Melbourne, and has now returned to The University of Queensland to work as a diagnostic imaging specialist. Annie has developed a strong interest in clinical teaching and has been teaching abdominal ultrasound for over a decade to veterinary students and practitioners.