

Abdominal Ultrasound Cairns + AFAST TFAST

October 7th-9th, 2023

Palm Cove, Cairns

CPD points: NSW: 26 points
Others: 16.5 points

cairns ultrasound

How long have you been waiting to add abdominal ultrasound, AFAST and TFAST to your skillset? This is our fastest selling workshop, and it’s heading to Cairns in October, 2023.

Join us for a CPD holiday!

Get your introduction to abdominal ultrasound with maximum hands-on experience and personalised expert tuition throughout the weekend.

Extra day for AFAST & TFAST training

Ultrasonography in clinical practice

  • Techniques for diagnostic quality images
  • Keeping the target area in focus
  • Differentiating between normal & abnormal echogenicities
  • Ultrasound-guided FNAs

Your practical skills take priority

A VetPrac workshop will always put practical skills first. Participants at our abdominal ultrasound workshop scan a variety of dogs under the guidance of veterinary imaging and internal medicine specialists. 

  • Learn while you scan

  • Notes & meals included

  • Specialist educators

  • High quality ultrasound machines

  • Friendly & social


  • Rapid screening test for unstable patients & abdominal trauma cases
  • Investigate gas or free fluid
  • Uncover bladder rupture, bile peritonitis, or septic peritonitis

  • Rapid screening test for unstable patients, thoracic trauma & respiratory distress
  • Less restraint compared with radiographs & requires no sedation
  • Uncover pleural fluid, pericardial effusion, pneumothorax & left atrial enlargement
Practical sessions which relate directly to clinical practice
  • Bladder & kidneys
  • Adrenal glands
  • Pancreas & lymph nodes
  • Liver and biliary tract
  • Small & large intestines
  • Spleen
  • Reproductive tract (where possible)
  • Ultrasound-guided FNA collection



A three day weekend workshop and a $4,250 CPD investment in your professional development


Systematic abdominal ultrasound procedure, ultrasound-guided FNA, AFAST & TFAST


Enhance your clinical & diagnostic skills, add safer options, offer new services for clients

Workshop Schedule

Your Educators

Dr Annie

Dr Annie Rose

Qualifications: BVSc(Hons) BVetBiol MVS MVSc GradCert(ClinEd) FANZCVS(Radiology)

Specialisation: Veterinary Radiologist

Annie has worked within the field of radiology for many years, both here in Australia and overseas, and has worked in teaching positions for over a decade. After completing her Masters degree and residency program at the University of Melbourne, Annie has now returned to Queensland to work in private referral practice as a Diagnostic Imaging specialist. Annie has developed a strong interest in clinical teaching and has been teaching abdominal ultrasound for over 15 years to practitioners.

Dr Jane Day

Dr Jane Day

Qualifications: BVSc MVS FANZCVS (Radiology) Specialist

Specialisation: Veterinary Radiologist

Jane works in a private referral practice in Perth and also does teleradiology, which includes reporting on ultrasound studies submitted by practitioners. Jane began doing echocardiography and abdominal ultrasound while in general practice and understands the joys and frustrations of scanning in this environment, and how to best advance these skills. She has extensive experience in ultrasound teaching, and has taught ultrasound workshops for over 13 years.

Sarah Purcell

Dr Sarah Purcell

Qualifications: BVSc (Hons) MANZCVSc MVECC DACVECC

Specialisation: Emergency & Critical Care

Realising her passion for emergency and critical care, in 2012 Sarah moved to Perth to complete a residency in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care at Murdoch University. During this time she obtained membership to the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Small Animal Surgery, and Small Animal Emergency & Critical Care. Sarah became board certified with the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care in 2015, and completed a Masters of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care in 2016.

Dr Adam Whitelock

Qualifications: BVSc(Hons) GC-SAUA MANZCVS (ECC)

Adam graduated as a veterinarian from The University of Queensland (UQ) in 2019 and undertook a rotating internship at UQ while he also worked in emergency practices throughout Brisbane. Throughout his internship he developed a keen interest in critical care, anaesthesia and ultrasound, completing a post-graduate certificate in small animal abdominal ultrasound during this time.

In 2022 Adam began a residency in small animal emergency and critical care at UQ. During his residency, Adam also took on a Master's in Science (anaesthesia and analgesia) and a Doctor of Veterinary Clinical Science developing research interests in vascular ultrasound and equine analgesia.

Dr Ann Thompson

Dr Ann Thompson

Qualifications: BVSc MACVSc MS DIP ACVIM(SAIM)

Specialisation: Small Animal Internal Medicine

Ann loves teaching and in 2013 led the small animal medicine referral service at UQ, completed a teaching qualification and taught both veterinary technology and veterinary science students. Ann’s current areas of clinical interest are endocrinology, urinary tract disease, non-invasive diagnostic imaging, and continuing professional development through veterinary education.

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Dr Richard Page

Qualifications: MRCVS VetMB MA Cantab

Richard completed his veterinary training at Cambridge University in the UK. After practicing locally and then in Bermuda, he spent time working up and down the east coast of Australia to gain emergency and general practice experience. In 2017, he settled in Cairns and founded the only emergency veterinary service in the Cairns region, Emergency Vets 24/7. Richard has a firm focus on practical veterinary medicine. He enjoys rapid assessment techniques such as AFAST and TFAST because they can be used immediately to improve patent comfort and prognosis.

Dr Sarah 1

Dr Sarah Stallard

Qualifications: BVSc MACVSC Cert IVUSS

Sarah graduated from the university of Bristol in the UK. She migrated to Australia in 2004, starting off in emergency and critical care and gaining her memberships in 2008. She moved to Cairns, establishing her ultrasound company Mobile Imaging Cairns in 2018. She completed her graduate certificate in abdominal ultrasound from the University of Melbourne and then her certification with the International Veterinary Ultrasound Society (IVUSS) in 2023. She now works at Manly Road 24 Hour Veterinary Hospital in Brisbane.

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Medical Plus

What our participants say…

Well organised and very informative. The lectures and practical sessions were managed so we could practice the theory immediately. Fabulous stuff.

Dr Brad Konners, BVSc

Head Veterinarian, Animals at Oakey Flat

Outstanding! The learn do, learn do approach is very reinforcing. Very tailored to using this knowledge in practice.I feel like I can apply what I learnt back at the clinic tomorrow!

Dr Clare O'Connor, BVSc

Veterinarian, Great Western Animal Hospital

Extremely valuable – lots of information covered in a short amount of time without becoming overwhelming, broken up with plenty hands-on of practical experience.

Dr Lachlan Laird, BVSc

Veterinarian, Animals at Oakey Flat

This was an amazing weekend with wonderful educators. Being able to practice the techniques that we learnt about in the lecture just prior really helped cement everything.

Dr Emily Gowlett, BVSC(Hons)

Veterinarian, Rosewood Veterinary Service



Consider joining our waitlist to be notified when spots become available!

CatDogLookingUp signup

Your Questions Answered

Are group discounts available?

Absolutely! Work together, learn together, we say. If 3 or more participants register from the same clinic under the same booking, you’ll receive a 5% discount at checkout when you book on our website.

Will I get CPD points and a CPD certificate?

Of course! Each participant will receive a CPD certificate via email. We do this after you’ve provided feedback and the workshop is complete.

What kind of learning materials are included?

Generally, you can choose printed course notes, a digital copy on USB, or both. Everyone gets a printed copy of the procedure guide.

What happens if I pay and then later can’t attend?
  • Transferring or changing registration from one workshop to another will incur a $50 administration fee.
  • Cancellations made up to 45 days prior to the commencement date of the Training Course will incur an administrative fee of 50% of the course investment.
  • Cancellations made up to 7 days prior to the commencement date of the Training Course are not refundable.

Can I pay in instalments, or do you offer payment plans?

Yes! At VetPrac we are pleased to offer payment plans for our online courses and workshops. We want to make it manageable for you to invest in your professional development.

For more information regarding our payment plans, please do not hesitate to contact Ros at [email protected].

What happens if the workshop is cancelled?

If VetPrac cancels any workshops, we will refund your course fees in full. However, VetPrac will not be responsible for any travel, accommodation or any other expenses incurred by you.

Still have questions? We’ve got answers.
Call +61 491 943 260

Still have questions? We’ve got answers.
Call +61 491 943 260