
Sometimes we come across a question in our careers that influences how we are seen and how we see ourselves. One which I am grappling with at the moment is “What school did you go to?”

As new graduates looking for jobs, or employers looking for staff, it’s a question – an unfair one if you ask me.

Is it fair that we are judged in our ability by what school we went to? And why are we judged by this? After all, our parents’ circumstances often dictated the answer and it wasn’t always our choice (or ability) to have the best possible start in life.

The good thing about being an adult is we become responsible for our own opportunities and investments. We are still limited by some circumstances but usually, with negotiation, these can be managed with sensitivity and sensibility.

What we learn in life to be able to do our job well is important. But how we learn and who teaches us influences the way we practice those things we learn throughout life. It determines the value system under which our performance can be measured and science has shown that the value system of our performance is a better measure for our resilience, success, and happiness than purely performing on the job.


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At VetPrac we have an exceptionally high standard of education and service. We work with specialists who have excelled not only in their chosen field of veterinary practice but also have accolades towards their teaching style. Most have published chapters in textbooks. Many have taught at universities, received awards for their skill, and are invited to speak internationally. Most importantly, all of them are great people with noble values and ethics who are wonderful to spend time with and learn from.

The results we have seen from learning with these people over the last decade is a progression of General Practice Quality by the learners who participate in our training. We go back to work with more confidence. We understand the reasons and decisions for cutting and charging for our care. We have more compassion for our clients and co-workers too. All of this is because we take the time in our workshops to get to know each other, share experiences and form a community.


“99.93% of VetPrac participants consider their experience was good value for money, improved their skills and they’d recommend it to their colleagues.”


I’m very proud of what VetPrac offers the veterinary profession. Our doors are open to anyone who wants to learn and develop skills to be a better vet. In a decade our statistics on feedback across all our workshop show 99.93% of participants consider their experience was good value for money, improved their skills and they’d recommend it to their colleagues.

So, as you are choosing your training programs for 2020 I’d like to invite you to think about what sort of experience you want to gain and how far you want it to take you. Its your choice, and your opportunity; And I promise VetPrac will do everything we can to help you achieve your goals.

Dr Ilana Mendels



JOIN US IN 2020! Registrations are open for these workshops.


Laparoscopy 600x600 V01 Ophthalmology 600x600 V01 Introduction to Canine Rehabilitation 600x600 V02