Science is forever evolving, and the veterinary world is no exception. As a veterinary nurse, or technician, you never stop learning — and Continued Professional Development (CPD) is an important part of that process.
This CPD can be recorded via a range of formal and informal avenues, from attending conferences to completing approve courses, among many other things.
Continued Professional Development that counts
Formal learning can include everything from attending approved courses, workshops and online training, to completing relevant diplomas and even undertaking compliance training such as a first-aid course. Often, many of these courses deliver education that assists a vet nurse/tech in furthering their career through the acquisition of important theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
VetPrac’s range of online courses and practical workshops contribute to a vet nurse’s annual CPD; not just about ticking a box, they provide invaluable learning that directly applies to real-world situations. For example, VetPrac’s online anaesthesia and pain management courses deliver vital information on an important aspect of veterinary work that is performed on a daily basis in clinical settings.
CPD can also be accrued via informal learning, including attending conferences and seminars, watching and participating in non-assessed online learning, absorbing academic literature, and even undertaking quizzes relating to relevant journal articles. Vet nurses/techs are often surrounded by various forms of informal learning on a regular basis, so it pays to understand exactly what can be credited towards your CPD – as it could be something you’re already doing!
Peer learning or the production of scholarly work is also an accepted form of CPD. This could be as simple as undertaking directed research or delivering a presentation to colleagues – or it could be something more in-depth and time consuming such as having a journal article or book chapter accepted for publication. If you’re a vet nurse/tech with a penchant for research and an appreciation for academia, working towards having something published could be a satisfying way to achieve CPD – and tick off a personal goal along the way.
Finally, leadership and service-based activities are also recognised. These can include participating in meetings associated with industry bodies, committees or boards, secondments to other practices, memberships of relevant international academies, industry-related community service, and mentoring colleagues, among other things.
Never stop learning
As a vet nurse/tech, ongoing professional development is important — and with time often in short supply, it is important to make sure you are undertaking CPD that doesn’t just tick boxes, but genuinely helps to further your skillset and career.
For more information about VetPrac courses and workshops currently available to vet nurses, please click here.