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 A key part of the veterinary medicine team, veterinary technicians deliver high-level, hands-on animal care across a range of different settings – from vet clinics to research centres and everything in between.

Just like vets and vet nurses, vet techs are required to undertake specific education in order to perform their role. Veterinary Technology is a three-year bachelor degree, in comparison to Veterinary Nursing that requires a vocationally-trained Certificate IV and Diploma. A vet tech course includes extensive clinical experience, allowing students to acquire high-level practical skills when it comes to caring for animals. Besides core subjects, courses often allow vet tech students to undertake electives and follow special interests – for example, equine care, farm animal management, or small animal clinical care. However as we all know, education does not finish the moment you graduate from university; in some ways that’s the beginning and learning is ongoing throughout your career.

I’m qualified, what next?

Once in the workforce as an allied veterinary health care professional, a vet tech will typically work in support of a veterinarian with a focus on animal care and handling, and the use of specialised equipment. Vet techs assist with everything from anaesthesia to diagnostic imaging and are also often required to utilise advanced equipment such as data-driven apps and wearable devices.

Vet techs are increasingly seen as a solution to staff shortages in busy vet practices, since they can take on many tasks that might otherwise be performed by a vet – thereby freeing up vets to undertake tasks only they are qualified for. Career progression as a vet tech relies on continuing education and staying abreast of the latest information and technology.

Keep learning

Just like vets and vet nurses, vet techs need to continue learning and growing in their career; after all, the world of vet medicine is forever evolving with new research and technology. While a lot of learning often takes place on the job, there are some things that are best taught in a proper educational setting to allow for attention to detail during the learning process – rather than learning under time constraints and other pressures in a workplace.

As an education provider, VetPrac’s primary aim is to deliver accessible and practical veterinary education to allied veterinary health care professionals, assisting them to further their career and provide better animal care and improve animal welfare as a whole. Offering a range of online and workshop-based courses that are suited to vet techs, it’s a great way to expand your repertoire. VetPrac’s courses range from understanding the ins and outs of surgical instruments, to veterinary dentistry, the use of diagnostic tools such as cytology and much more; there’s something to suit all career aspirations.

To find out more about the current courses and workshops on offer for vet techs, please click here.