TIP 1. Did you know that TPLO can be performed in small breed dogs and cats?
If your client asks, “What is the best technique for my miniature poodle’s CCL rupture?” you can say TPLO with confidence. Our Vet Prac instructors routinely perform TPLO on small breed dogs and cats with excellent results. In fact, we feel that small breed dogs and cats recover faster and with better function following TPLO than extracapsular techniques.
TIP 2. TPLO has been shown to allow for healing of partial CCL tears.
Dr. Beale is one of the coauthors on a paper (Hulse et al., Vet Surg 2010) where second look arthroscopy was performed on dogs that had TPLO for partial CCL tears. Reevaluation found that partial CCL tears are protected and can heal when we perform TPLO before the CCL completely ruptures.
TIP 3. TPLO is a very versatile technique.
TPLO can be performed on animals from very small dogs with 1.5mm screws, and has been performed on a young male alpaca! It can be used in cases of medial patella luxation and excessive tibial plateau slope. The technique is very stable due to its biomechanics and more so with modern locking plate technology. There is a very low major complication rate (3.1%). And, once the tibia is healed, the implants can be easily removed (but is rarely required), without decreasing the efficacy or stability of the repair.