
By Stephanie Buelna, VetPrac

Featuring Earl Rowland

B.S. Biological (Zoology and Genetics)

National Sales Manager at Medical Plus


Medical Plus specialises in Imaging –  MRI, CT , Xray but today, we explore the MyLab Ultrasound.


1. Why MyLab?

“The MyLab brand are one of the few veterinary specific ultrasounds in the market. Esaote (the manufacturer) spends a lot of time and money in the research and development for the specific needs of the veterinary market.”

“The MyLab brand has many models. Within each price bracket, there’s a superior image. I believe in total solutions. It is not only the image quality you buy- – it is the knowledge and service that is provided post purchase. This is just as important as the product itself. Also expert quality from Italy… knowing it will last!”

2.What do vets benefit from MyLab?

“A good ultrasound gives diagnostic confidence coupled with cytology and other methods. It’s a fantastic tool to give a more accurate diagnosis.”

“Ultrasound can be used in every vet clinic, from a one man show to much bigger clinics, you can get reasonable priced MyLab ultrasounds. The difference with ultrasound to radiology is the time you need to spend doing an exam and also learning the skills.”

3. How often should vets do an ultrasound?

“As often as possible. Generally, one to two ultrasounds a week cover the lease.”

4. Why would you want to tell vets about this product?

“Ultrasound is really growing in all kinds of fields; not only in the veterinary industry. Many applications in the medical market such as emergency, physiotherapy, rheumatology, and more increasingly use ultrasound.”

“Quite often people assume because of Esaote’s reputation as a leader in the global market, that the MyLab ultrasound is expensive. This is not always the case, there are many models to suit the practice needs.”

5. What is unique and practical about this MyLab?

“There are many unique features to MyLab, but my favourite is the ease of use, and the image quality compared to the competitors!”

“Some of the high end systems include features like Elaxtosonography in which the tissue density is differentiated by different colours. Predominately used for breast cancer in humans, but we’ve utilized it within the vet market for tendon scanning. Another interesting feature of the high end systems is fusion imaging which combines an MRI or CT image with an ultrasound. It fuses the images by using markers on the body as ultrasound which are live, and the other modalities which are not. As you move the ultrasound probe, you can see the MR/CT image of that plane.”

6. What advice would you give in regards to ultrasound equipment?

“As with any product, find out as much information as you can. Will the person come and see you personally in your clinic and show you how to use it? Or send you the box, so you work it out for yourself ? If the box is sent what does this say about after sales service. Get the product demonstrated in your clinic. Your not just buying an ultrasound for a little while; it is an investment you want to have for years. You want the company to still be around, interested in the vet market, and there to support you if you have issues or questions.”


At VetPrac, we’ve chosen to share this interview with Earl Rowland from Medical Plus  and recommend MyLab ultrasound because our ultrasound specialists prefer it. It’s a practical product in our book. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr Ilana Mendels [email protected]


For more information regarding MyLab, contact Medical Plus:

03 93994987

[email protected]


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