Dear Colleagues,
This is a blog post of gratitude and love. It could go on a bit, so I want to prepare you.
The September 9th marks two important events in my personal history. Firstly, it is the 10th anniversary of the first VetPrac Workshop. Secondly, it is the beginning of the Jewish New Year which marks this date as the birth of the universe. I cannot begin to describe how auspicious the overlap of these two events feels for me.
When VetPrac started over 10 years ago, it was a dream to solve a problem and give hope to me and my friends in practice. Disillusioned by the repetitive nature of general practice when your skills plateau, we wanted a way to keep reaching, keep growing. VetPrac was born out of necessity and grew into what you see today because you wanted it. A special mention to Dr Stephen Fearnside of SASH for being our very first education leader in this endeavor. You were a beacon of hope for what followed.
Since VetPrac’s humble beginnings, and with your support we have run over 130 workshops around Australia and educated more than a thousand vets who are still in practice today. We have witnessed the opening of 2 new Veterinary Schools and changed the way our community values and chooses continuing education for their professional growth.
We have had the joy of reading your emails and talking to you about the triumphs in practice when you use the skills you got at a VetPrac Workshop in your surgery or consult room. I have been spurred on by your own enthusiasm for learning to find more ways and the best people and equipment to facilitate your confidence and capacity to do better every day.
And I have loved every minute of it. So, thank you.
That doesn’t mean it hasn’t been hard. Some years were more difficult than others. When you lay the foundations of change, there is bound to be some strain. It’s been interesting to see competitors and colleagues in the education market develop their programs in response to the strong support we received, and I really like the diversity of options veterinarians have in Australia and the Australasian Veterinary community now. Having worked with educators from all over the world, I have it on good authority that Australia is the best. VetPrac has had an impact on that status. But more importantly, YOU have had an impact on that.
It is your desire for achievement and development and your drive to be better vets so your patients can be healthier and happier that has driven this market forward. We just facilitate what you want to achieve.
Thank you so much for letting us do this!
With a couple of great practical skills workshops coming up before the end of the year you can still register and make a difference in your clinic for your patients even more than you already are. View workshops on our website and make your job easier, and more fun while there’s still time!
To celebrate our 10th anniversary we would like to invite you to leave VetPrac a google review telling us about how your participation at a VetPrac workshop has impacted your veterinary career. Send us through an email to [email protected] with your details and a link to the review before September 16th, because we’d love to say thanks and give you a present!
With the new year upon us, and in commemoration of great achievements, may you all have a sweet and happy spring and year ahead.
Warmest Regards,