He’s been in the veterinary industry since he was 15 years old, and loves treating 100% sick animals- meet Dr Adrian Simon, practice manager and emergency veterinarian at Eastside Veterinary Emergency.
What would you have done if you didn’t become a veterinarian?
“Who knows! I have been in the veterinary industry since I was 15 years old! I have almost done nothing but this. I do sometimes wonder about architecture…”
What is it about emergency and critical care that you enjoy the most?
“I love seeing 100% sick animals. That sounds odd perhaps, but I got into veterinary medicine to treat sick animals, and every one that walks (or is carried!) through our doors are sick. Often critically so. I love being about to think and problem solve on my feet and, with luck, work out what is going on and then give my patients the best chance (even when their chances are not very good). I also have learnt to enjoy helping owners through this process and making it a little less scary and more understandable for them.”
Any advice for new grads? What about general practitioners that wish to pursue further education in emergency and critical care?
“Advice for new grads. Don’t settle. Find a good workplace with supportive colleagues and a great mentor. There seems to be a lot of truth to the adage that your first job makes you or breaks you. If it doesn’t feel right it probably isn’t and you are far better moving on to find a workplace that fits you.
For GPs wanting to pursue further education in ECC, take a CE course, but do it in combination with doing work experience. There is no substitute for experience. Find a job or just spend time doing work placement in a supportive ECC practice”.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
“Everywhere! It is one of my goals! I am 35 countries down so only have about 160 to go! I love seeing different cultures and the natural beauty the world has to offer”.
Do you have any pets?
“Yes! I have a cat called Ayam. He is a white domestic shorthair that shows his love by biting my nose when I am sleeping. At least that is what I tell myself”.
How do you spend your days off?
“What are days off!? If I can get a few days in a row I like to get out of town and head away to somewhere quiet and out of the city and enjoy some solitude”.
Come and share Adrian’s passion for all things emergency at the Practical Veterinary Skills Bootcamp workshop at Wagga Wagga on November 8-10, 2018. Register TODAY – only 9 places left!
Contact information:
Dr Adrian Simon
Website: www.sydneyvetspecialists.com.au
Written by Alison Caiafa