Dr Tracey Henderson and Tracy Irons are directors of Adelaide Veterinary Behaviour Services and we’re looking forward to their fine company at our Practical Skills Bootcamp in April.
Tracey & Tracy are the expert educators in the Animal Behaviour component of Bootcamp with plenty of tips and techniques for interacting with animals to minimise stress to them, the pet owner, and yourself.
They’ve put together these wonderful Vet Tips as a sample of what you can look forward to if you register for Practical Skills Bootcamp.
VET TIP #1: Safety advice for cat aggression
* DO NOT attempt to handle a cat when it is frightened or aggressive – as you risk injury to yourself
* Cats can remain aroused for 24-48 hours.
* Don’t use punishment to control aggression.
* Prevent the feline from coming into contact with the target of aggression.
* If it is placed in the situation, ensure an escape route.
* When this is impossible – cat should be separated or supervised/controlled (may need to use a harness and a leash).
* Refer refer refer!!! Cat aggression can cause serious injury to people and other animals.
VET TIP #2: Behavioural medicine – is it important?
Behaviour problems are the number one reason for the surrender and euthanasia of dogs and cats in Australia. This is a very sad fact that can be reduced by education of vets, vet nurses, pet owners and people involved in the animal industry.
Vets in general practice are often the first port of call for pet owners. Greater than 50% of new puppy owner’s questions at the first visit are about behaviour. Pet owners ‘assume or expect’ that vets know about animal behaviour. It is important for clinic staff to know the basics about behavioural medicine, so they can at least direct owners to the appropriate professional for help.
VET TIP #3: The “Alpha/dominance” theory
This is a widespread and regularly used behaviour theory. It originates from studies based on wolves, done in the 1940’s. These were the first studies of their kind. These studies were a good start, but later research has essentially disproved most of the findings. So, there is NO SCIENCE supporting this outdated theory. However, the theory is widespread and currently still regularly used by many dog trainers.
Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and wolves (Canis lupus) separated over 12,000 years ago.
Join us at Practical Skills Bootcamp on April 17th-19th 2020 at UQ Gatton. This Bootcamp is suitable for experienced veterinarians requiring a refresher, new grads, and those returning to work. Our expert team of educators will cover topics in Animal Behaviour, Abdominal Surgery, Dentistry, and so much more!
Places are limited and this workshop is proving to be very popular so REGISTER NOW to join Bootcamp or Download the Brochure for more details!