
Dr Ilana Mendels BVSc

VetPrac Founder


Why a Wound Management Workshop?

 “The Wound Management Workshop is a delicate balance of understanding fundamental wound physiology and the practical elements of getting the wound closed.”


Why is the Wound Management Workshop important to the general practitioner?

“If you have ever had a brown underpants moment in surgery, or been fearful of it happening, then this is a workshop to help you. I learn something new each time we run it.  It’s also a fantastic review.”


Who would benefit from this workshop?

“Everyone who picks up a scalpel blade with a BVSc or DVM!”


 Why VetPrac for Wound Management?

“This workshop was built using novel educational theory, and manages to concisely train the attendee in just two days. Other training opportunities might offer education or information, but VetPrac bridges the gap towards understanding, and the confidence to practice what you learn.”


What do the international workshops say about VetPrac ?

“They say we are innovative, resourceful, energetic and fun.

In the last twelve months, we have had people travel from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan, and New Zealand for our workshops with our educators. I feel proud to know that VetPrac represents the best of Australian practical training that other nations appreciate our Australian educational institutions.”


Closing Thoughts:

VetPrac only exists because people support it by attending the workshops and sharing our story with others. Workshops sell out because we meet the needs of the veterinary community. It doesn’t happen alone. Our training partners and educators all contribute greatly so vets “in the field” can do it better. I would like to thank all the people who want to keep learning, and the people who believe that knowledge and practice of our craft is the key to a healthy work life!”


Thank you Dr Mendels! It’s nice to hear the perspective of the woman behind the movement!



Interview by Stephanie Buelna, via Share this with your friends via Facebook or email! And follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn. Alternatively, sign up for our monthly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected]