Dear Colleagues,
Happy Spring!!
It’s been a big month with the footy and labour day long weekend and daylight savings starting. I’ve come back from a bit of a holiday and discovered the TV show “The Bachelorette”. Along with Matt Reiley’s Action Novels it’s some of the best brain candy I’ve tasted in ages! Almost possible to forget about work right now!
We’re lucky that when we do go to work though, we have the chance to do meaningful things that make animals feel better and live better. That we get to feel good in ways other people who have to work can’t even imagine. We make a difference.
I recently saw a report from the RSPCA about brachycephalic breeds and was caught by some of the statistics.
Did you know:
“Almost one third of pugs failed a stress test designed to determine if dogs are suitable to breed by the German Pug Club (dogs need to return to normal heart rate and respiratory rate 15 minutes after having walked or run a distance of 1km in a maximum time of 11 minutes. There is some suggestion that retropugs (pugs crossed with another breed) did better though only a small number were tested.” Animal Welfare, Volume 24, Number 3, August 2015, pp. 327-333(7).
It feels good knowing that our workshop on surgery for brachycephalic breeds is designed to alleviate some of that stress. I’m really proud of this workshop.
To find out more download the brochure here.
To book click here.
Dr Charles Kuntz, Prof Glenn Edwards and Dr Peter Young are looking forward to helping you manage these cases more effectively.
Warmest Wishes
PS: Other workshops for 2016 are online now – click here to find out more.