Qualifications: BVSc(Hons) CertSAS DipECVS PhD FHEA
Specialisation: Small Animal Surgery
Dr Peter Delisser graduated University of Queensland in 2002 in with honours. After curing himself of the desire to work with farm animals. Following two years in rural Victoria, he headed to Ol'Blighty in 2005 for the obligatory “working holiday” of locuming and travelling, which then led to becoming the majority of his professional career and clinical training.
Following enrolling in the RCVS Certificate of Small Animal Surgery from general practice, Pete realised that he could quite happily spend the rest of his working life dealing solely with surgical patients. As he had a lovely, understanding girlfriend (now wife), he was able to commit the time, effort, and pay cut towards pursuing his goal of becoming a specialist small animal surgeon. Following a rotating internship at Davies Veterinary Specialists in Hertfordshire, UK, Pete worked for a short period in a general practice, seeing solely surgical cases for a large group of practices until he was successful in gaining a position as European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) resident in small animal surgery at the University of Bristol, UK in July 2009.
During Pete's residency, he was trained in soft tissue, orthopaedic and neuro-surgery, and developed a special interest in both urogenital surgery, and trauma management, particularly including fracture repair and bone healing. Through the course of his residency, he published primary-author research papers on management of urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence, fracture repair biomechanics, and surgical site draping practices, and was co-author on multiple other papers.
After finishing his residency, Pete was a successful applicant for the Welcome Trust Veterinary Research Entry Fellowship, which allowed him to undertake a pre-clinical scientific research project looking at the effect of loading context on the response of bone to mechanical loading in aged bone. This body of research was submitted as his doctoral thesis in 2018 for which he was awarded a PhD from the University of Bristol.
After 12.5 years, a marriage and two beautiful daughters, Pete and his wife made the (relatively easy) decision to return to the sunny climes of Brisbane to take up a position at Veterinary Specialist Services in October 2017. He currently sees surgical referral cases for all types of surgery, but still maintains a special interests in urogenital surgery, fracture management and management of angular limb deformities.
N Cleland, P Delisser, D Cook, (2019) Ventral Approach for the Placement of a Toggle Rod in Two Dogs with Caudoventral Hip Luxation. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 32 (S 04), A3816
J Rahman, P Delisser, J Etches, S Langley-Hobbs. (2019) A biomechanical study comparing the use of the LokRod™ plate to plate and screw fixation for ex vivo stabilisation of femoral and tibial fractures in cats. BSAVA Congress Proceedings 2019, 545-545
P Delisser. (2019) The effect of loading context on bone’s deficient adaptive response to mechanical loading in old mice. University of Bristol.
G Galea, PJ Delisser, L Meakin, LE Lanyon, JS Price, SH Windahl. (2019) Cortical bone gain following loading is site-specifically enhanced by prior and concurrent disuse in aged male mice. bioRxiv, 705640
PJ Delisser, D Carwardine. (2018) Student Perceptions of Sectional CT/MRI Use in Teaching Veterinary Anatomy and the Correlation with Visual Spatial Ability: A Student Survey and Mental Rotations Test. Journal of veterinary medical education 45 (3), 320-329.
LB Meakin, H Todd, PJ Delisser, GL Galea, A Moustafa, LE Lanyon,. (2017) Parathyroid hormone’s enhancement of bones’ osteogenic response to loading is affected by ageing in a dose-and time-dependent manner. Bone 98, 59-67
GL Galea, LB Meakin, MA Harris, PJ Delisser, LE Lanyon, SE Harris,. (2017) Old age and the associated impairment of bones’ adaptation to loading are associated with transcriptomic changes in cellular metabolism, cell-matrix interactions and the cell cycle. Gene 599, 36-52
PJ Delisser, C Warren-Smith. (2016) Osteomyelitis and fracture callus abscessation secondary to a foreign body reaction in a traumatic open fracture of the zygomatic bone of a puppy. Veterinary Record Case Reports 4 (1), e000299
LB Meakin, PJ Delisser, GL Galea, LE Lanyon, JS Price. (2015) Disuse rescues the age-impaired adaptive response to external loading in mice. Osteoporosis International 26 (11), 2703-2708
H Todd, GL Galea, LB Meakin, PJ Delisser, LE Lanyon, SH Windahl,. (2015) Wnt16 is associated with age-related bone loss and estrogen withdrawal in murine bone. PLoS One 10 (10), e0140260
GL Galea, S Hannuna, LB Meakin, PJ Delisser, LE Lanyon, JS Price. (2015) Quantification of alterations in cortical bone geometry using site specificity software in mouse models of aging and the responses to ovariectomy and altered loading. Frontiers in endocrinology 6, 52
M Sinnesael, MR Laurent, F Jardi, V Dubois, L Deboel, P Delisser,. (2015) Androgens inhibit the osteogenic response to mechanical loading in adult male mice. Endocrinology 156 (4), 1343-1353.
GL Galea, LB Meakin, D Savery, H Taipaleenmaki, P Delisser, GS Stein,. (2015) Planar cell polarity aligns osteoblast division in response to substrate strain. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 30 (3), 423-435
M Laurent, M Sinnesael, L Deboel, P Delisser, V Dubois, E Gielen,. (2014) Androgens Reduce Skeletal Mechanoresponsiveness in Adult Male Mice. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 29, S4-S4
KL Bowlt, EJ Friend, P Delisser, S Murphy, G Polton. (2013) Temporally separated bilateral anal sac gland carcinomas in four dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice 54 (8), 432-436.
P Delisser, L Meakin, GL Galea, LE Lanyon, L Suva, J Price. (2013) Disuse sufficient to cause bone loss increases osteocytes’ expression of sclerostin but has not effect on osteocyte rankl. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 28.
PJ Delisser, GP McCombe, RS Trask, JA Etches, AJ German, SL Holden,. (2013) Ex vivo evaluation of the biomechanical effect of varying monocortical screw numbers on a plate-rod canine femoral gap model. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 26 (03), 177-185.
PJ Delisser, DE Sinnett, KJ Parsons, EJ Friend. (2012) A survey of surgical draping practices in small-animal practice in the UK. Veterinary Record, vetrec-2011-100406.
P Delisser, E Friend, G Chanoit, K Parsons. (2012) Outcomes and Complications of Static Hydraulic Urethral Sphincter Treatment of Urethral Sphincter Mechanism Incompetence in 12 Dogs. Veterinary Surgery 41 (5)
PJ Delisser, EJ Friend, GPA Chanoit, KJ Parsons. (2012) Static hydraulic urethral sphincter for treatment of urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence in 11 dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice 53 (6), 338-343.
P Delisser. (2012) Case Report: Traumatic Urethral Avulsion.
KL Bowlt, JK Murray, GL Herbert, P Delisser, V Ford‐Fennah, J Murrell,. (2011) Evaluation of the expectations, learning and competencies of surgical skills by undergraduate veterinary students performing canine ovariohysterectomies. Journal of Small Animal Practice 52 (11), 587-594.
P Delisser, E Friend. (2010) Survey on surgical draping. The Veterinary Record 167 (22), 879.